A Private transformational mentoring Container

Supporting your ReBirth as a Sovereign Creator Being


Private 1:1 Womb Mentorship

Welcome Dream Weavers, wave makers, & Earth Shakers,

I see you working hard to birth your dreams into reality. My heart is with you.

Over the years of supporting countless women come back into WHOLENESS, I have grown to honor & love these private containers the most. The opportunities for healing, growth, and expansion is limitless within our unified womb field.

When there is resonance and harmonic interweaving between our wombs and an openess to receive true source creation codes, we can weave new realities, paradigms, and timelines into being through the interdimensional threads of light within the Womb. We can expand creator capacity to conceive, gestate, and BIRTH greater dreams and visions, that are in integrity with God’s Creation.

What is YOUR Highest Dream?

Are you ready to birth your Soul’s creations? Let’s call in your highest timeline. It’s time to reclaim your sexual energy as your creative life force energy and PLEASURE. I will walk beside you as you work to clear old patterns and programs, release traumas, dissolve numbing shields, and restore the womb to its original innocence.

Healing is available to you right now. It doesn’t have to be hard or painful.

We will follow your own unique flow through the 8 Womb Gates by listening to your womb’s unique messages and insights. There is no pressure, no forcing, and no agenda. We slow way down and listen to you Womb’s deepest desires. There are gems and treasures awaiting you.

Julia combines her many years of experiences as a Holistic Women’s health therapist and Shamanic Oracular Guide to midwife your REBIRTH.

Are you ready to BIRTH the life of your Dreams?


What’s included:

  • 13-week container held with the utmost compassion, reverence, and diamond-light focus to your individual needs.

  • Total of 7 private online healing sessions, held every other week at 90 minutes per session, where you receive my undivided attention, intuitive guidance, energy healing, guided ritual, and healing support.

  • Email support and/or voice messenger support between sessions. Maximum 2 supportive emails a week.

  • 4 oz bottle of a custom-made medicinal mushroom elixir to support your individual process. We will be working with this medicine throughout the 13 weeks together.


Price: $1,111

With payment plans available.

From the first session with Julia, I was able to fully drop in and connect with my body on the table, which was a first for me. As time went on I was able to take what we “worked on” outside of our monthly sessions together. I broke up with hormonal birth control 2 years prior and then got diagnosed with PCOS and I was really struggling to relearn and connect with what felt like, my new body and womb - Julia held me in ways I didn’t know I could be held and brought me right back to my body and womb. Julia has a profound ability to meet you where you’re at and tend to you in the most gentle and powerful way. Anytime I can somehow weave Juila’s servicers into conversation, I will because I believe every woman needs this tending to!!
Everyone needs a Julia Claus.
— B.B. 2023
Working with Julia both in 1:1 and through her Women’s Circle has been transformative on many levels. She brings a deeply intuitive and grounded energy to any space she steps into. She is a powerful guide and a wise woman. She creates a safe space that has allowed me to release some of my guards and drop in a little deeper. Working with her has been such a beautiful experience!
— H.F. 2023