Enter the Temple

For deeper healing immersions, I offer internal pelvic massage and energy work. We slow way down during these sessions to deeply listen, soften & receive, and allow the Womb to fully restore her original architecture.


Holistic Pelvic Care

What is it?

A holistic practice created by intuitive PT Tami Lynn Kent, consisting of physical and energetic tools designed to evaluate, restore balance, and enhance vibrant flow in the pelvic bowl of the female body by working with her core patterns.

The basis of HPC™ is energy work through the crystalline nature of fascia, to access the transition point between the energetic and physical realms.

Who is it for?

This is for every woman over the age of 18. I truly believe this is a crucial component of basic women’s health.

Holistic Pelvic Care can help:

Clear pelvic congestion and support pelvic wellness

Facilitate core energy flow and creative wellness

Restore pelvic muscle balance and engagement

Address pelvic pain

Support sexual health, libido, and orgasm

Facilitate pelvic connection and embodiment

Support fertility journey, prepare for pregnancy, support postpartum healing.

Healing after traumatic or difficult birth, restoring birth energy field

Resolve trauma imprints and restore a woman’s rightful presence in her creative center

Enhance inner & outer harmony

Heal embodied patterns of lineage and ancestral pain and upgrade to new patterns

Support healing after miscarriage & birth loss


If you’d like to explore whether we’re a good fit for working together, please contact me here.