Menstruation Matters

It’s time we set the record straight: 

Your Bleeding Time is sacred event, NOT a curse.

(Read that 10 times …or however many times it takes).


When womxn bleed, they open a power portal that can be used to harness psychic powers and awaken to their spiritual purpose.

The Cervix is considered to the doorway between realms. It’s usually closed with the the following exceptions:

  1. It opens during childbirth to let new life in.

  2. .AND it also opens monthly for menstruation. It is during these times that the veil between worlds is very thin, and powerful spiritual insight becomes accessible through the unseen realms.

Realizing that bleeding womxn had access to something they didn’t, men would do vision quests and sit in sweat lodge to try and mimic the same experience, hoping these ceremonies would bring them into similar altered states of consciousness. The womxn were honored and respected for having access to this monthly power portal. These altered states of consciousness are available to YOU too through your menstruation. 

Social and cultural programming have created a distorted view of menstruation. We have been brainwashed for thousands of years to believe our menstruation is a curse, an untimely punishment that womxn must endure. We have been told that bleeding womxn are dirty and impure, and should be avoided at all costs during this time. F*ck that. Sure,  bleeding womxn are a force to be reckoned with, but not because they’re dirty. It’s because they’re powerful AF. For too long, womxn have been shamed and made to feel embarrassed around their cycles.  Instead of harnessing this incredibly potent tool for self-realization, womxn have been told to “plug it up and hide it.” Carry on with life as usual! 

Womxn often get cranky & irritable before they bleed because it’s part of the normal energetics of the menstrual cycle. It’s the time to go inward. Turn off the phone. Meditate.  Our society doesn’t honor that, so they’re forced to be extroverted and sociable when they’d rather be connecting to Spirit in a place of quietude.

It’s not surprising then that we see the all-too-common menstrual complaints of cramping, PMS, depression, low back pain, lethargy, migraines, and foggy headedness, just to name a few.  What does suppressed energy do when it has no where to go?! When the flow of energy is blocked, it mutates and creates stagnation which manifests in these symptoms. These symptoms are common, but definitely not normal. They are indications that something is wrong or out of balance. Yes, diet and lifestyle can help, but there is almost always a deeper emotional, psychological, or energetic root cause along with an often misaligned uterus.

Many womxn are disconnected from themselves, from their reproductive organs, from their sexuality, and from their yonis. That disassociation manifests as these symptoms. If it goes unaddressed, later down the line we see even bigger issues arise.

When womxn start to honor their menstrual cycles, a lot of these symptoms disappear….

No pill required.

Our bodies are full of wisdom that’s just waiting to be unlocked. Symptoms are the body’s way of communicating to us.

Part of what I do is to help people decipher these messages, not to ignore them.

It is every bleeding women’s birthright to have access to this magic. It’s not something you need to learn. It’s something to be remembered.

I can show you the way back.

With love,


What is WOMXN?

“WOMXN” is new term being used to include trans & queer folks, femmes, and cisgendered women in female identifying spaces. I recognize gender as a construct and respect that not all women bleed, and that not all people who bleed are women. 

Julia Claus