You’re invited to

merge with the Sacred Waters

and dive into the depths of Original Creation Consciousness

For the Mermaids



The CRYSTALLINE LIVING WATERS are shimmering with the ancient codes of creation. The time has come for the Mermaids to RE-Member the

Ancient Feminine Water Rites.

As a womb holder and vessel of LIVING WATERS, you are invited to awaken the Original Primordial Consciousness Codes... To bring balance and restoration to the frequencies of Divine Love & Innocence....And to summon your Inner Gnosis, so we can renew the organic flow of Fertility to

Birth Heaven on Earth.

As the current War Machine continues to feed Separation Consciousness, we are experiencing a direct attack on Sacred Union and Creative Energy.

There is a GREAT stirring in the collective Oceans of Consciousness. A reorganization and recrystallization is occuring. The Living Waters of the Womb can hear the echoes of the Mer and the Mari along the oceanic bloodlines. Can you feel it?

Welcome Home. I’m so glad you’re here.

You are invited to join an 8-WEEK SACRED WATER SERIES, where we will bathe in the FEMININE FEELING WATER REALMS & flow with the SHIMMERING RAINBOW CODES OF CREATION, as a portal to restoring the PRISTINE FEMININE DIMENSION OF DIVINE LOVE.

AQUA MER is more than an online group program, it is an amplified healing portal created through a unified womb web of sisters who have all heard the Call. Step into a safe container built on love and trust, that will provide you the opportunity to connect, explore, and renew your own sovereign creation energy and innocence.

This is a legacy and YOUR birthright.

The world needs your creative light, radiant love, and innocent Joy.

I would be honored to facilitate your journey.

We Begin

MAy 12th, 2024


This is the medicine of Mermaids.

Together, with the support of the Mushrooms, we will swim to the depths of our inner oceans of gnosis to restore the Sacred Rivers of Sexual Creation.

We will journey along the oceanic dream paths with the support and assistance of a medicinal Mushwomb Potion, specifically formulated for this group.

Infused with molecules of memory from the Cosmic Womb and activated by Light of the Sun, our group journey will peak at Solstice and come into completion at the end of June.

Your Womb is a multidimensional portal and a fertile space of infinite potential, largely due to the magical properties of water a powerful transceiver and conductor of quantum information. We heal the womb to create and birth the new energetic frequencies.

Your Womb is supporting the rebirthing process of the world and humanity.

Cultivate your Womb Center to be a Stargate for Original Source Creation Intelligence to flow freely into the World.

REMEMBER your Divine Essence.

AQUA MER serves as a holding and healing container for you to come into your Highest Memory.

The healing that occurs within this container will be amplified and ripple out across the timelines and dimensions.



Registration closes on Friday May 10th.


Payment plans available.


Program Features:

Magic Medicine Box: Includes 1 bottle of Blue Mermaid Mushwomb Potion, gemstones, ceremonial chocolate, sea salts, and other special ritual items to support our work together.

Five Live Oracular transmissions and group ceremony via Zoom (2 hours each)

Water Rites pdf Guidebook of water rituals, blessings, and temple rites.

Email support (limited to 2 therapeutic emails per week).

Access to a Private Facebook group

1 Private online session with me, and discounted sessions throughout the series.

Mermaids Carry Primordial Creation Consciousness.

We all were born from the Waters. And to the Waters we Return.

AQUA MER is an initiation led by the Mushrooms and the Primoridal Living Waters. This is a pathway of remembrance, reconnecting us to the wild and innocent creation power of our wombs.

INNOCENCE is our TRUE JOY, and it comes from feeling ALIVE.


Womb Healing is a form of

High Alchemy.

When you restore the architecture of your womb, the people who are held within your womb change.

There is spark within you. As we tend to it, it grows to be a fire that can burn within it any imprints of distortion and programming that has attempted to control creation.

The mystery & magic await you…


The Flow

AQUA MER is an 8-week online group medicine container.

Dates of Group Calls:

Sunday May 12th, 4-6pm EST

Thursday May 23rd, 4-6pm EST

Thursday June 6th, 6-8pm EST

Thursday June 20th, 6-8pm EST

Sunday June 30th, 12-2pm EST

We will meet for 2 hour Zoom calls, which will include oracular transmissions, intuitive guidance, group journey meditations, ceremony & ritual, along with opportunities to share, connect, and integrate.

All calls will be recorded.


Informed by Water Intelligence & The Mushrooms

We will let the medicine guide and inform the transmissions each week.

Topics include (though not limited to):

LINEAGE OF THE MER: Mary Magdalene, Ladies of the Chalice, The Mari, the Water Dragons

Crystalline Water Codes: Water Memory, Magical Properties, Physiology, True hydration, & receiving wisdom from the 4th Phase of Water.

Plasma: Tuning into the field of Cosmic Plasma Consciousness. This is the basis for Quantum Healing.

Blood Mysteries

Primordial Power Animals: Whales, Dolphins, and Water Dragons.

The Motherline: Wounds, curses, and gifts within our White Rivers of ancestral Mothers. Reclaiming the birth canal.

Feminine Water Rites: Alchemical magic using the feminine elixirs of life.

Sexual Innocence: Renewal of your pristine template of divine sensuality.

Water Blessings and Prayers: Guided ritual and ceremony.

Heiros Gamos: Divine Marriage between you & God, you & Creation, you & your Body, you and your Beloved. Finding Union through all that is~ Through the Water.

Sovereign Creator Consciousness: How we can renew the Living Womb Waters and let our immaculate co-creation with God inform our everyday experiences.

Womb Meditations & Guided Journeys: Accessing your pure creation energy within. Using breath, sacred toning, and movements to alchemize energies and access the lost Feminine water realms of deep feeling.



With Ocean Waves of Love

May the Waters be your Guide.

Enrollment is OPEN through May 10th.



Program Features:

- Magic Medicine Box: Includes 1 bottle of Blue Mermaid Mushwomb Potion, gemstones, ceremonial chocolate, sea salts, and other ritual items to support our work together.

-5 Live Oracular transmissions and Ceremony via Zoom

Water Rites pdf Guidebook of Water Rituals, Blessings, and Water Priestess Temple Rites.

-Email support (limit of 2 therapeutic emails per week)

- Access to a Private Facebook group

-1 Private online session with me, and discounted sessions throughout the series.